Smiling couple holding a mouth wash.

Natural Mouthwash

May 12, 2021

Whether you’re trying to keep anything unnatural out of your mouth and body, reduce your carbon footprint a little, or simply are in a pinch because you ran out, there are plenty of reasons you may want to try making your own mouthwash. Luckily, there are a few different ways to go about it, all of which will result in fresh, pleasant breath!

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree essential oil is awesome for clearing up blemishes on your face, but did you know it also makes for a great mouthwash? You can find essential oils at most natural food stores relatively easily. To make this natural rinse, combine a few drops of tea tree oil with a cup of warm water, stir to combine, and swish! 
Tip: This recipe can also be made with Lemongrass oil, if you prefer.


You probably already have some iteration of this common herb in your house already! If it isn’t growing in your garden, check your spice cabinet. Then, boil some water and add either two tablespoons of fresh sage (probably around six leaves or so), or one tablespoon of dried sage to the pot. Simmer the mixture for ten minutes, and then take it off the heat and allow to cool until it’s tolerable to rinse with.

Aloe Vera Juice

You may have a more difficult time finding pure Aloe Vera juice than the ingredients for the other mouthwashes, but if you can find it (again, try the natural food store), it works as a natural mouthwash! 

With all of these natural recipes, you’ll want to store them in a cool, dark place to keep them fresh, and dispose of them after about a month. Of course, no matter how much mouthwash you use, natural or otherwise, it’s no substitute for two annual dental cleanings! Schedule yours by contacting us today.

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